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About Me

When we retired, Barry thought he would learn to ride with me. Thus my odyssey with Icelandic Horses began. As we searched for the perfect trail horse for Barry, I tried 67 Icelandic horses. I traveled all over the United States and to Iceland. We found the perfect guy for Barry. Unfortunately, he never took to riding. He requires brakes and seatbelts…

I bought two more horses in Iceland and began trying to talk my friends into riding with me. I had 4 horses to exercise, after all: my last Arab, Talia, Baltasar, Fani and Styrmir. Five days after I brought Balti home, I won a Trail Trial riding him against 23 other riders. Maaaan, these Icelandics are cool, unflappable, responsive, smooth…

I roped my first neighbor into riding, taught a few more friends to ride, they wanted to BUY MY horses… hmmmm, I went right back to Iceland and found 5 more horses.

All the horses I’ve purchased are horses that I want to own and ride myself. If I own them their entire lives, that will be fine. I have to feed and care for them every day so their personality, temperament and rideability is paramount.

In the last 12 years I have visited Iceland 11 times, traveled to attend Icelandic World Championship competitions in Germany and Holland and tried out for the US Icelandic team. I’ve published articles, formed a club and made many lifelong friends. Welcome to my world!

Kimberly Hart